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There are several laws in place that support the use of Sign Language interpreters. These laws make it possible for Deaf and hard of hearing people obtain access to their education, employment, and overall environment. Below lists a few federal laws that provide guidance on how to ensure your business is in compliance with providing "reasonable accommodations".
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973- Section 504
No. For most interpreting settings, you will need to hire a Hearing Sign Language Interpreter- one who speaks English and interprets for Deaf people using Sign Language.
Requesting a Deaf Interpreter is often confused with the need for a traditional Sign Language interpreter. Naturally so, but Deaf Interpreters or Certified Deaf Interpreters are used in the field of interpreting to provide a formal connection between a Deaf person with limited ASL usage or minimum language skills (MLS) and a Hearing Sign Language interpreter.
CDIs are often used in critical traumatic medical situations or police interrogations and depending on the deaf individual, they may communicate better with the use of a Certified Deaf Interpreter, especially if they are deaf immigrants whose first language is not ASL. When you hire a CDI, you also require a Hearing Sign Language interpreter to interpret from sign to spoken English for the Certified Deaf Interpreter. LEARN MORE!
Similar to Civil and Human Rights, Deaf Rights includes laws that protect Deaf people from disability prejudice or "Audism", a new word used alongside the common discrimination "isms" to describe a negative attitude towards those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Read more on Deaf Rights here:
As part of the business agreement with an interpreter or service provider, you will need to provide the following information to help the interpreter achieve the overall communication goal:
RID believes that when interpreters and service providers conduct themselves in a professional manner, all parties gain a clear understanding of interpreting business practices.