Language is the cornerstone of human identity, culture, and communication. The histories, customs, and distinctive viewpoints of the communities who speak them are ingrained in them. However, many smaller, indigenous languages are in danger of disappearing due to globalization and the dominance of major languages. A language is thought to disappear every two weeks, and many more could vanish in the ensuing decades. This loss not only signifies a language problem but also a cultural and intellectual one because it wipes out important information and perspectives on the world.

Technology is becoming a more potent tool for the preservation and revitalization of endangered languages in the face of this difficulty. Communities are documenting, teaching, and promoting their languages in ways that were previously unattainable thanks to digital tools and platforms. Language diversity is being greatly aided by technology, which is evident in everything from speech recognition and machine translation to online dictionaries and apps for language learning.

Documenting Endangered Languages

Thoroughly documenting an endangered language is one of the first steps toward its preservation. This procedure is now more accessible and efficient thanks to technology. 

Digital tools can be used by linguists and community members to record and transcribe conversations, oral histories, and traditional stories. The language can then be preserved for future generations by sharing and archiving these recordings online.

Researchers can deposit and retrieve multimedia collections of endangered languages, for instance, through the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR). This archive helps communities preserve and advance their native tongues in addition to being an invaluable tool for linguistic research.

Language Learning and Education

The way endangered languages are taught and learned is also changing as a result of technology. For learners of all ages, interactive and captivating resources are offered through language learning apps and online platforms. These resources frequently have features that enhance learning and increase effectiveness, like games, quizzes, and audio recordings.

Technology has also made it possible to establish online tutoring programs and virtual classrooms, which connect speakers of endangered languages with students worldwide. Its worldwide reach offers chances for collaboration and language exchange while also fostering a sense of community among speakers of endangered languages.

Preservation of Oral Traditions

Spoken languages make up the majority of endangered languages, not written ones. There are now more opportunities thanks to technology to keep these oral traditions alive. Spoken language can be more easily recorded and analyzed by using speech recognition software to convert spoken language into text. This technology is especially useful for languages with sparse written literature or complicated phonetic systems.

Digital storytelling platforms also give communities the ability to produce and distribute multimedia stories in their tongues. By telling these tales to coming generations, we can preserve not only the language but also the cultural heritage and values that are ingrained in them.

Machine Translation and Localization

Photo by Arina Krasnikova

Because machine translation technology makes endangered languages more widely accessible, it also contributes to their preservation. Even though machine translation has its drawbacks, it can be a helpful tool for translating simple texts and promoting interlanguage communication.

Another way that technology is promoting linguistic diversity is through localization, which is the process of modifying digital content to fit a particular language or culture. Technology companies can aid in the promotion and preservation of endangered languages by providing software, websites, and other digital content in these languages.

Challenges and Considerations

Although technology has enormous potential to save endangered languages, there are drawbacks and things to keep in mind. Making sure that digital tools are created in cooperation with the communities they are intended to serve is one of the major challenges. This entails being mindful of the community’s needs as well as the linguistic subtleties that reflect culture.

An additional obstacle is the digital divide, which may restrict certain communities’ access to technology. It is necessary to work toward closing this gap and guaranteeing that every community has access to the instruments and materials required for language preservation.

Concerns exist regarding how technology may affect the evolution and change of language. Digital tools have the potential to impact language usage and speech patterns over time, even though they can aid in the preservation of languages in their current form.

Community Empowerment and Ownership

Community empowerment is essential to the successful preservation of endangered languages. Technology should be viewed as a tool to support and improve community-led initiatives rather than as a replacement for them.

It is essential to involve the community in the creation and application of digital tools. This includes making sure the resources are accessible, suitable for a given culture, and consistent with the objectives and core values of the community.

Through empowering communities to take charge of the preservation process, technology can support the development of a feeling of pride and identity in their native tongue. Ensuring endangered languages not only survive but flourish in the contemporary world requires this kind of empowerment.


To sum up, technology can be a very useful ally in the fight to save endangered languages. Technology is helping communities preserve and advance their languages in the digital era by offering resources for documentation, instruction, and communication. These communities must, however, be involved in the planning, development, and application of these tools, as well as in their use. We can work toward a future where linguistic diversity is valued and protected for future generations by utilizing technology.

For those who are looking for additional support, Unspoken Language Services offers interpreting services to help bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing communities. 

Thumbnail Photo Credit to: Photo by Arina Krasnikova