Effective communication is essential for businesses to succeed in today’s multicultural and interconnected world. 

Given the diverse population and wide range of languages spoken in the city, ensuring clear and accurate communication is even more important for businesses with a presence in Chicago or that operate nearby. 

American Sign Language (ASL) is one such language that is essential to the communication landscape. 

Working with a dedicated ASL interpreting agency can greatly improve communication accuracy for companies that want to serve the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. 

This article discusses the value of quality assurance in ASL interpreting services and how a specialized agency can guarantee precision for your Chicago company’s communication requirements.

Understanding the Significance of Quality Control in ASL Interpreting

Any service should have quality control as a fundamental component, but ASL interpreting places even more emphasis on it. 

ASL has its grammar, syntax, and cultural quirks. 

It is a unique and complex language. 

Communication errors or misinterpretations can cause misunderstandings, frustration, and even dangerous outcomes. 

Businesses must give quality control in their ASL interpreting services top priority if they want to avoid such problems.

Accurate and Culturally Appropriate Interpreting

The assurance of accurate and culturally appropriate interpretation is one of the main advantages of working with a dedicated ASL interpreting agency. 

Such organizations use ASL interpreters with certification, experience, and a thorough knowledge of both the language and its cultural setting. 

This helps close the communication gap between the Deaf and hearing communities by ensuring that the message conveyed accurately reflects the intentions of both parties involved.

Industry-Specific Expertise

Interpreters with experience in a particular industry can be found at a specialized ASL interpreting agency serving Chicago companies. 

Having interpreters who are familiar with the pertinent terminology and jargon is essential whether your company serves the legal, medical, educational, or corporate sectors. 

Rigorous Interpreter Screening and Training

ASL interpreters must go through rigorous screening and training to maintain a high level of quality control. 

Exclusive agencies spend time and money screening potential interpreters to determine their skill level and cultural sensitivity. 

ASL interpreters can also stay up to date on the most recent advancements by participating in ongoing training and professional development programs.

Enhanced Communication Accessibility

A company needs to be welcoming and accessible to everyone to succeed. 

Businesses in Chicago can show their dedication to accessibility and inclusivity by working with a specialized ASL interpreting agency. 

This not only helps the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community, but it also improves the company’s standing as a socially conscious business.

Confidentiality and Privacy

In their daily operations, many businesses deal with sensitive and private information. 

Businesses can feel secure knowing that their private communications are safe with a specialized ASL interpreting agency. 

Businesses can feel secure knowing that these agencies uphold strict confidentiality and privacy policies to protect sensitive information.

Selecting the Right Exclusive ASL Interpreting Agency

Photo by fauxels

Effective communication for your Chicago-based company depends on selecting the best exclusive ASL interpreting agency. Here are some important elements to take into account during the selection process:

Certification and Qualifications

Make sure the agency only hires ASL interpreters who are trained, licensed, and qualified to do so. To confirm their credentials, look for credentials from reputable organizations like the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID).

Industry Experience

Look for a company that has previous experience working with companies in your sector. For accurate interpreting, it is essential to comprehend the particular communication requirements and terminology of your industry.

Quality Control Measures

Ask about the quality assurance procedures used by the organization. A trustworthy organization should be open and honest about its selection, instruction, and ongoing evaluation processes for interpreters.

Client Reviews and Testimonials

Learn about the agency’s reputation by reading reviews and endorsements from other companies. Client reviews can offer insightful information about the agency’s performance and dependability.

Technology and Accessibility

Technology is a key enabler of communication in the modern digital era. Ask about the technological options the agency offers before selecting them as your exclusive ASL interpreting service. 

ASL interpreters can be accessed remotely through the use of video remote interpreting (VRI) services, giving businesses more accessibility and flexibility. 

Make sure the agency’s technology infrastructure is trustworthy and secure to ensure constant, effective communication.

Response Time and Availability

For businesses, timely communication is crucial, especially in urgent or stressful situations. 

Make sure the agency can quickly meet the needs of your company by assessing their availability and response times. 

When you need interpreting services, a reputable agency should be available and quick to respond, doing so without undue delay.

Customer Support and Flexibility

The distinguishing feature of a reputable ASL interpreting company is exceptional customer service. 

Analyze the agency’s customer service procedures and response times. 

Any concerns or problems that might come up during the interpreting process will be addressed by a client-focused agency. 

Additionally, keep in mind that business requirements can fluctuate and change at any time, so look for an agency that provides flexible scheduling options.


Prioritizing quality is important, but it is also crucial to take the agency’s cost-effectiveness into account. 

Assess whether they provide open and competitive pricing by contrasting the pricing structures of various exclusive ASL interpreting companies. 

Agencies with noticeably lower rates should be avoided because they might be compromising on the quality of their interpreters or their level of service.

Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity

An exclusive ASL interpreting company should place a high value on inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. 

Ask the organization how committed it is to recognizing the distinctive cultural characteristics of the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. A culturally sensitive organization will make sure that its interpreters are aware of the various cultural traditions and communication styles of the people it serves, resulting in more effective and respectful interactions.


In summary, quality control is essential to ensuring accurate communication for Chicago businesses that need ASL interpreting services. 

An exclusive ASL interpreting company that values precision, cultural sensitivity, and industry-specific knowledge can improve communication accessibility and support a welcoming and inclusive workplace culture. 

Businesses can establish lasting relationships with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community while showcasing their dedication to effective communication and social responsibility by carefully choosing the right agency. 

Accepting high-quality ASL interpreting services is not only a smart business move but also a crucial step in building a more inclusive and connected business landscape in Chicago.

For those who are looking for additional support, Unspoken Language Services offers interpreting services to help bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing communities. 

Thumbnail Photo Credit to: Photo by Christina Morillo