When it comes to promoting communication between speakers of different languages, interpreters are essential. Interpreters assist in bridging language barriers and guaranteeing that everyone can participate effectively in a variety of contexts, including business meetings, legal proceedings, and healthcare settings. Nevertheless, despite the significance of their work, interpreters frequently encounter difficulties like poor compensation, lack of recognition, and restricted access to resources and training. Therefore, it is crucial to support the interpreting community and fight for the needs and rights of interpreters. 

Here are a few strategies for making changes:

Raise Awareness

Gaining support for interpreters requires spreading the word about the value of the interpreting profession. Many people do not realize how important interpreters are to communication in a variety of contexts, such as international business, legal proceedings, and healthcare. We can foster a more welcoming environment for interpreters by educating the public about the difficulties faced by interpreters, such as the necessity of ongoing professional development and the effect that language barriers have on service accessibility.

Blogs, social media sites, and neighborhood gatherings are useful resources for interpreting education. It can be beneficial to humanize the profession and emphasize the importance of interpreters’ work by sharing anecdotes and testimonials from interpreters about their experiences. Furthermore, working with establishments and groups that depend on interpreters, like courts, hospitals, and government offices, can help spread the word and reach a larger audience.

Advocate for Fair Pay and Working Conditions

Even though interpreting is a demanding job, low pay and unfavorable working conditions are common problems for interpreters. 

Since many interpreters operate as independent contractors or freelancers, their pay may fluctuate, and they may not receive benefits. Ensuring the well-being and professional satisfaction of interpreters requires advocating for equitable compensation and improved working conditions.

Enhancing the financial stability of interpreters can be achieved by endorsing initiatives to set minimum standards for compensation and working hours. This could entail pushing for laws or regulations requiring employers to pay interpreters fairly and offer benefits. A more encouraging work environment can also be created by endorsing programs that support the fair treatment of interpreters, such as giving them enough rest breaks and shielding them from discrimination.

We can contribute to ensuring that interpreters can continue to provide crucial services to people who depend on them by fighting for fair compensation and working conditions for them. Additionally, by drawing more people into the field, there will be a greater and more varied pool of qualified interpreters on hand to meet the expanding need for language services.

Support Professional Development

Interpreters must pursue professional development to improve their abilities and remain current with industry best practices. 

However, many interpreters, particularly those employed in remote or underserved areas, may find it difficult to attend conferences, workshops, and training programs. To guarantee that interpreters can keep offering top-notch services, it is imperative to support initiatives aimed at giving them access to professional development opportunities.

Promoting the creation of online training materials and programs is one approach to assisting interpreters’ professional development. Interpreters can find convenient and adaptable learning opportunities that accommodate their hectic schedules through online courses and webinars. The costs of professional development can also be lessened by sponsoring grants and scholarships that allow interpreters to attend workshops and conferences.

Urging companies and organizations to place a high priority on the training and development of their interpreting staff is another way to assist the professional development of interpreters. 

Employers can guarantee that their staff has the abilities and knowledge required to meet the needs of their clients and communities by supporting the professional development of interpreters.

Promote Certification and Credentialing

Photo by olia danilevich

Programs for certification and credentialing assist in guaranteeing that interpreters fulfill particular requirements for professionalism and competency. However, due to things like expense, lack of access to training, and ignorance of the advantages of certification, many interpreters encounter difficulties in getting certified. Encouraging credentialing and certification programs can assist in addressing these issues and raising the standard of interpreting services.

Increasing public awareness of the advantages of certification for interpreters and the clients they serve is one strategy to support interpreter certification and credentialing. In the labor market, certified interpreters are frequently more competitive and may be able to secure higher-paying positions. Furthermore, certification can aid in guaranteeing that interpreters possess the abilities and understanding required to deliver precise and successful interpreting services.

Increasing the number of certified interpreters in the field can also be facilitated by supporting initiatives aimed at making certification more affordable and accessible for interpreters. This could entail promoting grants or scholarships to pay for certification exam costs as well as offering assistance and materials to interpreters to help them study for their exams.

Advocate for Access to Resources

To effectively communicate in a range of contexts, interpreters rely on a variety of resources, including dictionaries, glossaries, and reference materials. Nevertheless, there may be barriers to access, particularly for interpreters working in languages where there are not as many resources. To guarantee that interpreters can deliver precise and efficient interpreting services, it is imperative to advocate for their access to resources.

Supporting initiatives to create and distribute resources, especially for interpreters, is one way to push for interpreters’ access to resources. This could entail putting together resources on common subjects and terminology used in various contexts, as well as creating glossaries and dictionaries tailored to a particular language. 

Additionally, you can guarantee that interpreters have access to the tools they need to perform their jobs well by supporting funding for libraries and interpreter resource centers.

Support Diversity and Inclusion

Interpreters facilitate communication between individuals with disparate language backgrounds, thereby playing a vital role in advancing diversity and inclusivity. To guarantee that interpreters accurately represent the diverse communities they serve, the interpreting profession must be supportive of diversity and inclusion. This entails supporting initiatives to train interpreters in cultural competency and encouraging the hiring and retention of interpreters from a variety of backgrounds.

Advocating for laws and procedures that encourage diversity in recruiting and hiring is one way to support inclusion and diversity in the interpreting profession. To do this, employers may need to actively seek out interpreters with diverse backgrounds and provide mentorship and support to interpreters as they navigate cultural differences in the workplace.

Engage with Interpreter Associations and Organizations

To promote the needs and rights of interpreters, interpreter associations and organizations are essential. You can stay up to date on the problems that interpreters face and how you can assist them by getting involved with these organizations. Joining an interpreter association or lending a hand with volunteer work can help them with their advocacy efforts.

You may support the interpreting profession by advocating for laws and practices that support interpreters and by getting involved with associations and organizations that represent interpreters. This could entail supporting programs that advance the professional growth and well-being of interpreters as well as pushing for laws or policies that defend their rights.

Wrapping Up

To guarantee that everyone has access to efficient communication, it is crucial to support the interpreting community and fight for the needs and rights of interpreters. 

You can improve the lives of interpreters and the communities they serve by spreading awareness, fighting for equitable pay and working conditions, encouraging professional development, advocating for certification and credentialing, promoting resource access, encouraging diversity and inclusion, interacting with associations and organizations for interpreters, and educating others.

For those who are looking for additional support, Unspoken Language Services offers interpreting services to help bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing communities.

Thumbnail Photo Credit to: Photo by Ladiwayne